"Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement " these are the words of
Nelson Mandela , A Bold, Heroic, Strong, Courageous living Legend .Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born on 18 July 1918 . Mandela was a militant anti-apartheid activist, and the leader and co-founder of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC). He later became the President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999, the first ever to be elected in a fully representative democratic election. Today marks his birthday and we @ NGOZIGOLD.COM WISH HIM A HAPPY BIRTHDAY..It has indeed been a long walk to freedom for Nelson Mandela . THAT LONG WALK TO FREEDOM IS PRESENTED TO YOU IN PICTURES.
MADIBA in traditional clothing. |
Nelson Mandela as a young man |
Mandela @ 94 |
Nelson Mandela as a young boxer, H e discovered his interest in boxing at Fort Beaufort |
Pictured in 1961 as a 42-year-old political activist - and an able heavyweight boxer |
Nelson Mandela in the office of a law practice set up in Johannesburg by Mandela and Oliver Tambo to provide free or affordable legal representation to blacks |
When Nelson Mandela met Oliver Tambo , Walter Sisulu , Joe Slovo ,Harry Schwarz they inspired him to be a freedom fighter and to think differently about South Africa. He was asked to leave Fort Hare University after his involvement in a Student Boycot. He moved back to Johannesburg where he found work as a guard at a mine. He later served as an articled clerk at a law firm. Nelson Mandela began to study Law from the University of London External Program , however he completed his B.A. degree at the University of South Africa through correspondence, after which he began law studies at the University of Witwatersrand.
In the early 1950 's Nelson Mandela operated a Law firm with Oliver Tambo . The name of the Law Firm was Mandela and Tambo. He offered free and low cost services to black |
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In Dec 1956 , Nelson Mandela and 150 others were arrested for treason, The trial which lasted between 1956-1961, this resulted in 150 ACCQUITALS |
Nelson Mandela leaving the court in 1956 |
Nelson Mandela shown with his PASSBOOK as a free man |
The South African police klled 69 BLACK PROTESTERS. This was known as the SHARPEVILLE MASSACRE. The protest was against a new LAW that required blacks to carry passes at all times. (IN THIER OWN FATHER LAND O). This was an awakening call for NELSON MANDELA and South AFRICA regarding ANC'S belief in NON VIOLENT PROTESTS. In 1961 Umkhonto we Sizwe was formed (Spear of the Nation - abbreviated MK), with Nelson Mandela as commander in chief. As the political situation worsened, Mandela fled into exile.
He returned from exile in 1962, and He was immediately arrested by the apertheid regime, The CIA notified agents of the apartheid regime of his whereabouts and disguise and he was arrested and charged for leading a strike and travelling without a Government approved passport. He was sentenced to 5 yrs imprisonment with hard labour.
Mandela and the other ANC members that were stood trial for conspiracy, treason and sabotage. |
They were convicted and sent to ROBIN ISLAND PRISON near cape town June 16 1964, he never gaveup |
Nelson Mandela Mending his clothes in prison., This picture was taken by a fellow prisoner and smuggled out , Pictures of him were banned because of his reputation as the most important international prisoner |
NELSON MANDELA havintg a chat with Walter SISULU at the prison courtyard |
Nelson Mandela was 'kept busy' performing hard labor in a mine quarry. He 'kept himself busy' studying law through continued correspondence with the University of London through the external program and received the degree of Bachelor of Law. He remained at Robben Island for 18 of his 27 years spent in prison.
The prison cell in robin island where Mandela was kept |
In 1969 a plot was laid by South African intelligence unit B.O.S.S. to rescue Nelson Mandela from prison. The idea was that SAPS would kill him while attempting his recapture. This plot was foiled by British Intelligence and later confirmed by one of the chief perpetrators in his book Inside BOSS!
Hector Pieterson was killed by South African Police on June 16, 1976, together with other students. These pictures caused a world wide outrage, the international community condemned this act and applied crippling economic sanctions against the apartheid government
The SA Government was concerned about young imprisoned activists being influenced by ANC leaders. Nelson Mandela was transferred to Pollsmoor Prison in March 1982, together with ANC leaders Walter Sisulu, Andrew Mlangeni, Ahmed Kathrada and Raymond Mhlaba.
Nelson Mandela chats with his former chef Jack Swart outside the house he spent the last years of imprisonment. |
Nelson Mandela and his ex wife winnie Mandela leaving Victor Vester Prison hand in hand |
Nelson Mandela and His new wife..THEY SEEM HAPPY SO I WILL COMMENT MY RESERVE! |
QUITE SAD THAT THE WOMAN WHO STOOD BY HIM THROUGH HIS STRUGGLES AND PAINS WASNT THERE TO CELEBRATE THE SWEET WITH HIM. In 1992 Nelson Mandela's marriage to Winnie ended with separation. In 1996 they were divorced. She changed her name to
Ms.Winnie Madikizela Mandela.
Nelson Mandela addressing United Nations General Assembly at Newyork |
The U.S branded Nelson Mandela and ANC members as TERRORISTS..YET HE WAS ALLOWED TO GIVE A SPEECH DURING THE UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY. It took another 18 YEARS for their names to be removed from the terror list.
Nelson Mandela returned to the leadership as President of the ANC. Between 1990 and 1994 he led multi-party negotiations, which gave way to one man - one vote elections. For their efforts at engagement, he and FW de Klerk shared the 1993 Noble Peace Prize.
A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination
After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.
Does anybody really think that they didn't get what they had because they didn't have the talent or the strength or the endurance or the commitment?
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
I detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from a black man or a white man
I dream of an Africa which is in peace with itself.
If the United States of America or Britain is having elections, they don't ask for observers from Africa or from Asia. But when we have elections, they want observers.
If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner
It always seems impossible until its done.
It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.
Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement.