Tuesday, 10 April 2012


Sweet dreams are made of breasts for men....and women! Breast development in women starts during puberty, and as a woman gets older the breast may change in shape,size or texture but it is recommended that a woman self examines her breast often to ensure that all changes are normal ( You can even invite bros to assist you in checking ).Breast self examination (BSE) helps in the early detection of  breast cancer, cysts or other non cancerous breast problems. BSE is really easy , Please click here to learn how to do a BSE..the sooner the better!!!
But as a woman nothing brings joy to your vanity as much as well shaped breasts , Men sometimes have a problem maintaining eye contact with women that have well shaped boobs!lol (hailings to Cossy) and thats why some women will go to any extent to try and improve the look,feel and bounce of their breasts..even going as far as going under a plastic surgeon's knife.
I think Kelly Rowland has one of the best boob jobs,lets face it, a leading lady has to LEAD!
I also think our very own Karen Igho (winner BBA) has one of the most beautiful well proportioned breast jobs...heard she spent about a million naira to get those knockers!! ( Thou shall not judge).
.....All is happily ever after in fairy land..but what if the breast augmentation doesnt yield the desired result..thats worse than any horror movie ever made or imagined, apart from the lady's self esteem which is left battered the usually judgemental society will have a filled day dissecting her personality and moral standing,throwing stones as if they are without sins. I just wonder what those not so lucky women  are going through , I sincerly hope they find a good plastic surgeon to correct the abnormally or better still get rid of the implants if its going to bring you sadness and ill health.But what ever gives you joy and increases your self esteem I encourage and dare you to go for it dear!
Below are some bad boob jobs...poor ladies!!
Tori Spelling

The gap!!
The lumpy boob job!..this na load o!


For more pictorial reasons why You should think long and hard before going under the knife for any cosmetic reason, kindly click here but if you still decide to undergo the procedure ,Please go to a well recommended plastic surgeon and be ready to spend good money to get the best..and PLS FLAUNT IT WHEN YOU GET IT..lol


  1. Great work.

    I love the concept, and the information is very consistent with fact.

    Keep it up Goldwater.


    Temmie Amodu - TSOULE

  2. Thank You so much for the vote of confidence!! im trying to be like you..lol..You're still my mentor . TSOULE ROCKS..the best events management and decoration team!!

  3. So please tell me how friends of mine with small tits can have a bigger one?

    1. Hahahaha! Let them drink plenty fresh milk!! Lol or if dem get plenty money and can spend in dollars they can get silicon or saline implants ..f it will make dem happy else Let them enjoy the Breast GOD gave them joor

  4. Hmmmm....i think i'll tell em to drink fresh milk....i think, that'll help*

  5. lovely...informative with very catchy headline similar to 'the headlights' you are describing. i'd have preferred you dwelt more on the BSE in the light of recent realities. Also point it out that there are a lot of fake poisoned silicon out there ooo....lmao.... two thumbs up...blakczar


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